Transplanting Trees, Bushes and Shrubs
Moving to a new home
Do not wait longer than until March. Because the best time to replant trees, bushes and shrubs that are green in summer is within a period in which there is still frost at night but the ground is no longer frozen. Dig out a small ditch around the root ball and leave it overnight. The frost lightly freezes the root ball so that it will not fall apart when it is dug out. Then plant the bush or shrub in the new place at once.
Why transplant at all?
Usually there is a good reason for digging out a shrub or a bush and for replanting it somewhere else. A tree or a bush or a shrub has become too big and no longer fits in where it is. It could also be a gap-filler or you simply want to replace or a bush or shrub or put it in a more suitable place. Whatever the reason, it is important that you draw up a plan beforehand so that later you will have a successful result, in the forming of flowering plants.
Dig it out carefully
First dig out a small ditch around the root ball. Now you can release the root ball form its surroundings with a spade and fork and lift it onto a sack or large blanket and wrap it up so that it will not lose too much earth from around the roots when it is subsequently transported. But the best thing is to wait overnight and let the frost do at least half the work for you. The root ball will be frozen hard next morning and it will not fall part when it is dug out and transported.

Determine how big the hole for the plant should be
You can quickly determine the right size: It should be twice as wide as the root ball and of course deep enough for the entire root ball to go into. Loosen up the soil and the side walls so that the roots can bind themselves into the surrounding earth more quickly after the planting. A fork from WOLF-Garten is ideal for this work. Mix the earth that had been dug out together with some compost so that the transplanted plant is supplied right away with sufficient nutrients.
The right way to plant
Anyone who has tried to transport a shrub or a bush by themselves knows only too well that having four arms would be a great help. In other words, the work is much easier and requires less effort if done by two. You only need to agree on who is to hold the plant in the right position and who is to fill in the hole around the plant with the earth that had been dug out and mixed with compost.
Holding and supporting
Water the ground from time to time so that it settles and the roots are completely surrounded by earth afterwards. It is important that the plant is held the whole time so that later it will stand up straight by itself. In the case of larger bushes and shrubs, and of course trees, it is very helpful to use a supporting pole to keep the plant upright. Knock the supporting pole into the ground on the side that the wind comes from. It is best to wait until the entire hole for the plant has been filled with earth and stamped down hard before tying the bush, shrub or tree to the support. Tighten it up after at least two weeks. Now nothing should prevent it from growing straight.
Water adequately
Make a small crater around the bush or shrub so that the water stays there longer when watering. Generously water bushes and shrubs in the first few days, and somewhat more than usual after that, until they are firmly rooted. Depending on their size, trees require a great deal more water. Water until the water in the crater no longer seeps away. The same rule applies here: Plenty of water in the first week, and somewhat less after that. The contents of one watering can will not be enough. Use a garden hose right from the beginning – and best of all, one connected to a hose reel trolley from WOLF-Garten, then you will always have enough water available, and conveniently, too.