More than 50 years of research on lawns speaks for itself. WOLF-Garten works with a great deal of passion and technical knowledge so that an area of grass becomes your longed-for dream lawn. Discover the complete range!

Give your lawn a shape
Hand Grass Shears
Exact edges and contours make any lawn look better at once. The hand grass shears from WOLF-Garten bring ragged edges back into line and ensure that the grass does not spread into the flowerbed. The bigger your garden, the more you will enjoy a set of cordless shears with LI-ION POWER technology - to get your lawn edges into order all the more quickly.

A system for better lawns
multi-star® Lawncare
The multi-star® modular garden tool system from WOLF-Garten also offers you many attachments that you can use to look after your lawn For example, lawn edging irons, lawn rakes and scarifiers. Simply choose the corresponding device, attach it, and off you go. It just takes one "click".

Mowing without a motor
Manual Reel Mowers from WOLF-Garten
If you just love an English lawn with grass stalks of up to 4 cm or only have a small lawn to mow, then a manual reel mower from WOLF-Garten is just the thing. It makes practically no noise and is completely environmentally friendly, using no petrol or electricity. And it makes you fit as well.

Mowing easily and in an environmentally-friendly way
Electric Lawnmowers from WOLF-Garten
The electric and cordless lawnmowers from WOLF-Garten are delightfully light and notably quieter than comparable petrol engines - and are thus very environmentally-friendly. This quiet running is good for your ears and allows you to work without fatigue. Moreover, they are ready for use at any time - there is no time-consuming maintenance work required

Cordless Lawnmowers
Full of power, sustainable and state-of-the-art: the LYCOS 40V battery system from WOLF-Garten! The battery-powered garden tool range is on a par with comparable petrol tools in terms of performance and endurance. And that's not all: thanks to battery power, the LYCOS 40V system is particularly environmentally friendly. It is also pleasantly quiet during operation and extremely durable thanks to high-quality components.

Power the whole way
Petrol lawnmowers from WOLF-Garten
For lawns of over 250 m² in size we recommend a powerful petrol lawnmower, such as the little powerhouses from WOLF-Garten. Thanks to powerful engines they can handle even taller grass with no trouble. The models with wheel drive run by themselves, so to speak. This makes mowing pure pleasure for you.

Let your lawn breathe
A nice lawn needs to be cared for regularly. Whether manual, electric or petrol-driven - this can be done effortlessly with a scarifier from WOLF-Garten. In this way you ensure good aeration, effectively combat thatch on your lawn, and prevent harmful fungi and moss from spreading.

Trimming is just so easy
Electric Trimmers
Using a lawn trimmer from WOLF-Garten, you can cut back tall grass even in the most inaccessible corners of your garden. A four-way angled handle makes this possible. Handling is extremely comfortable: Just change the spool in a moment with the "Click" system.

The Innovative ACC and CCM System
Perfect cutting and optimal grass collection with the ACC system
All new A SERIES electric lawnmowers have the new Advanced Cut and Collect System. The suction effect of the stream of air aligns the grass stalks (blue arrows), even with tall and damp grass, producing wonderfully even cutting results.
At the same time it prevents any blockage of the discharge duct and ensures optimal filling of the catch basket. With this function, the catch basket does not need to emptied so often.
The new generation with the unique CCM system
CCM stands for "Cut", "Collect" and "Mulch". You can switch easily and quickly between the functions of mowing, collection of the grass cuttings in the grass collecting bag, and mulching. Just one mower that can be used in three different ways.