Cleaning and Storing Tools for the Winter
While snow and ice cover your garden, you can use the quiet time in winter to maintain and clean up lawnmowers, shears and cordless tools for the coming garden season. The garden tools from WOLF-Garten are very long-lasting and need little maintenance, but they still require a little care and attention so that you can continue to work quickly and precisely with them.

Cleaning hand tools
After a whole season of garden work your spades, edge trimmers and small tools have earned a thorough cleaning, First remove any earth clinging to them. Then take a brush, rags and a bucket of water - and get started! First rinse everything off thoroughly with water, then rub the metal parts dry and rub in some vegetable oil. If you find any rust, use a wire brush on it. If that does not work, use rust remover. Check also that all the handles are still firmly attached.
Sharpening shears
Preserve the high quality of all WOLF-Garten shears and clean the blades regularly. You can also resharpen them yourself with a whetstone. Or else contact your WOLF-Garten service dealer for this. By the way: Blades that have become blunt can be replaced even after many years!
Maintaining lawnmowers

After a whole season of garden work your spades, edge trimmers and small tools have earned a thorough cleaning, First remove any earth clinging to them. Then take a brush, rags and a bucket of water - and get started! First rinse everything off thoroughly with water, then rub the metal parts dry and rub in some vegetable oil. If you find any rust, use a wire brush on it. If that does not work, use rust remover. Check also that all the handles are still firmly attached.

After the lawnmower has been used for the last time, thoroughly clean it to remove any remnants of grass and earth and dry it off.
With petrol lawnmowers it is important to change the engine oil and to dispose of any leftover petrol in a suitably environmentally-friendly way. It is also a good idea to have a winter inspection carried out by your WOLF-Garten service dealer. He can then tell at once whether blades that have become blunt need to be replaced or Bowden cables need to be adjusted.
Storing cordless tools
Rechargeable batteries do not need any maintenance but they should be stored under specific conditions to lengthen their life. Cool (around 10 to 15 °C) and dry rooms are best for lithium-ion (LI-ION) batteries. The optimal level of charge is between 40 and 60 %. Practical tip: Take care with metal
Metal parts such as coins or screws can easily cause short circuits. Ensure therefore that they cannot come into contact. Always remove the batteries or power packs from your corresponding WOLF-Garten tools so that they cannot leak.

Imposing Order
Order is important - in the garden shed as well. Use the wintertime to store your tools and garden utensils in a clear and space-saving way. WOLF-Garten can help you in this: For the multi-star® modular garden tool system there is the Tool holder UM-M with four tool holders on a width of 80 cm. In this way you will have everything to hand much more quickly when the new season starts.